Impromptu Cruises

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  • #443
    Duane Ising

      Please post here if you plan a cruise on short notice and are happy to have company.

      Please make sure you include all relevant details, and list your email and possibly phone number. Interested parties should consider contacting the person directly to coordinate rather than engaging in “conversation” in this topic.

      Subject: Cruise to location

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      • #677
        alan grossman

          An update to the IYC November Tag-A-Long Cruise beginning November 8 at Venice Yacht Club.  Additional FCYC Clubs are scheduled after VYC.

          Subsequent to our recent two hurricanes, I have spoken with Venice YC and they confirmed that they are able to handle our cruise.  We have a commitment from VYC for 6 slips and all were taken. However, one boat dropped out to cruise South and one boat was storm damaged and dropped out.  So, we currently have 2 spots available.  If interested, please let me know and provide me with your boat info.  We will have docktails on arrival and dinner at VYC on November 9 (Currently, VYC expects to be serving by that date.)  If VYC is unable to serve dinner, I would suggest we go to Tthe Crows Nest which is open, upstairs.

          We were scheduled to go to the Field Club.  Their marina is closed due to extensive storm damage.  We have inquired of conditions at Bird Key and Sarasota YCs.  Awaiting a response. We have, assuming they are not storm damaged, openings for 2 IYC boats at each.

          I will follow up again, next week with BKYC and SYC.

          Also, Marina Jacks reports they will be receiving boats prior to our cruise.

          Questions or reservations, please email me and I will notify the YCs.

          Thank you

          Alan Grossman

          [email protected]

          cell 609-932-9219

        • #653
          Dennis Cesari

            We are staying at Captiva YC on the 15th leaving on the 16.


          • #652
            Frank Leyshon

              Topic: November Cruise  Jump on Jump off

              I am putting together a cruise for IYC  starting November 1, with the ideas of John Todd that each boat captain pick some or all of the cruise plan.  Right now, I have informally been told that we have availability at Venice YC and Sarasota YC for 2 nights at each location.  I am working to add Bird Key and the Field Club and possibly Marina Jacks. Question: Is there interest in adding Bradenton YC?  If so, please let me know.  Once I nail down the dates and number of slips, we will have a formal announcement and sign-up.  Questions: Alan Grossman, [email protected] or 609-932-9219.  Additional suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks

            • #650
              Frank Leyshon

                Topic: Tag a Long cruise during the FCYC Cruise to Naples YC

                Tag a Long schedule

                • St Charles YC on Sept 11-12th departing morning of the 13th for Naples YC
                • Departing Naples YC on the 15th and cruising to the Pink Shell Sept 15 – 16th

                Both Andre at St Charles (239) 264-6008 and Dave at Pink Shell (239) 463-6181 said they have room for others but we each need to make our own reservations.

                Currently on this trip Glen Mayer, John Todd and Dennis and Shirla are doing the St Charles part.   So 6 boats can go to St Charles at this time, and 6 or 7 boats  to Pink Shell.

                You do not need to be registered for FCYC at Naples to do the other two legs of the trip. It may even be possible to get a slip at Naples Sailing and Yacht Club.

                Any questions just call John Todd 614 207 7823

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