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  • #499
    Frank Leyshon

      Location for member correspondence about the IYC Club Cruises.

      Please make sure you put The Cruise your posting about.

      Subject: The cruise itself.

      Current Cruises Planned


      Event Info


      Here is a list of cruises scheduled (dates are set, marinas are booked) for the remainder of 2024 and early 2025.


      October 16-18, 2024         Pink Shell                         Jeff Ziemer

      November 8-18, 2024       Tag-A-Long*                    Alan Grossman

      January 22-24, 2025         Boca Grande                     Mark Kuharski**

      May 29-31, 2025              Venice                              Doug Sheid


      *this cruise is filled, but Alan is maintaining a waitlist

      **we need a backup cruise director


      Tentative cruises have been discussed; however, details and cruise leaders are needed.


      February 2025                  possibly Naples

      March 2025                      Marina Jack                      John Todd

      April 2025                        Tween Waters/Captiva

      June 2025                        Marlin Bay (Marathon, FL)

      July 2025                         East Coast trip                  Glenn Mayer





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      • #682
        alan grossman

          Update to the Venice YC Tag-a-Long Cruise, November 8, November 9, 2024 as of November 1, 2024

          We are reserved for VYC for the 2 evenings., listed above. There is at least one additional slip available.  If interested, email me with your boat particulars or call me at cell 609-932-9219. VYC reports that the marina is in operation as is the clubhouse food service.  Dock, water and power are reportedly in good order.  We will do dinner at VYC on Nov 9, outside, at 6PM.

          I await a return call from Bird Key, our next stop for an arrivalNovember 10, stay on Nov 10 and Nov. 11 and depart Nov 12..  Dates revised as the Field Club docks are closed and Sarasota YC has only about one half docks avai9lable and are not taking outside YCs.

          I am not booking a stay at Marina Jacks but those interested can book directly.


          Alan Grossman, IYC  609-932-9219  [email protected]

        • #678
          alan grossman

            Update on the November 8, 2024 Tag a Long Cruise:  Two spots are available at Venice YC.  Field Club is damaged and will not receive vessels.  Awaiting condition info for Sarasota and Bird Key YC where we have two openings if they are receiving vessels.

            Alan Grossman

            cell 609-932-9219

            [email protected]

          • #658
            Frank Leyshon

              Here is a list of cruises scheduled (dates are set, marinas are booked) for the remainder of 2024 and early 2025.


              October 16-18, 2024         Pink Shell                         Jeff Ziemer

              November 8-18, 2024       Tag-A-Long*                    Alan Grossman

              January 22-24, 2025         Boca Grande                     Mark Kuharski**

              May 29-31, 2025              Venice                              Doug Sheid


              *this cruise is filled, but Alan is maintaining a waitlist

              **we need a backup cruise director


              Tentative cruises have been discussed; however, details and cruise leaders are needed.


              February 2025                  possibly Naples

              March 2025                      Marina Jack                      John Todd

              April 2025                        Tween Waters/Captiva

              June 2025                        Marlin Bay (Marathon, FL)

              July 2025                         East Coast trip                  Glenn Mayer



            • #639
              Duane Ising

                Palm Harbour cruise 17-19 July 2024

                Five boats with 12 people enjoyed very comfortable travel conditions and nice weather, despite the typical high temperatures. We had the marina and pool to ourselves the entire time, using the nice pavilion to have our first night docktails and potluck supper. All the food was terrific. A difficult nautical quiz followed, but collectively, all the questions were answered correctly, so the champagne toast was well earned.

                Thursday, the participants had orange juice and muffins, courtesy of co-leader, Diane Ising. There was a jigsaw puzzle marathon by a few, along with lots of pool time and conversation. At 5:30, we took the water taxi over to Palm Island for dinner at the Rum Bay restaurant. Some enjoyed more conversation under the pavilion until near dusk

                As a way to get out and use your boat in the middle of the summer, it was a great success. If the summers stay as hot as they have been in recent years, we may shift the timing to September and hope for a little bit less heat. Palm Harbour is overdue for a complete renovation after hurricane Ian in September 2022, so we will monitor their progress.

                Attendees: Collins, Kuharski, Wuckert, Swanson/Thompson, Ising (cruise leaders)

                • #640
                  Frank Leyshon

                    Sounds like you had a great time.

                    Thanks Duane for setting up the cruise.

                    Frank Leyshon

                    Rear Commodore

                • #622
                  alan grossman

                    Subject: “Any interest in a July/August 2025 Chartering Cruise & Suggested Destinations”

                    Please provide your thoughts and interest in joining an IYC Cruise to where?  The idea is that those interested in gaming out a planned group cruise to a destination of our group’s choice.  If we booked charter boats, choices of power and/or sail, captained or self piloted for about a week, is there a list of spots we could consider for the group?

                    Some possible suggestions I offer that I have done in the past are offered to get your mind in gear for these locations or even better spots:  In the United States, the Northeast offers many possibilities from the waters in CT, RI, MA, ME.  Winning spots are always to be found at any of these and chartering is pretty easily accomplished.  A fun but longer trip would be on the Hudson River and possibly into Canada. An easy site is Lake Champlain with its many towns and sights.

                    Overseas, another possibility: Scotland offers the Caledonian Canal (Loch Ness to Inverness) as well as other possibilities . Spain is another great spot to cruise including Majorca, Minorca via Barcelona, Portugal, Shannon River in Ireland.

                    Charter vessels run in size from 2 to 6 people aboard, generally and larger power vessels are likely crewed.  Prices, as you would expect, vary widely based on number of cabins, length, power vs sail, crewed vs self-pilot, etc

                    Once a few popular spots emerge from this survey of interest, I can get some tentative details of possible boats, costs, routes.

                    Please email your ideas via response to  this post so that others can flush out additional thoughts.  If you want to speak with me directly but you are encouraged to respond via the IYC Cruiser pages, my cell is 609-932-9219, email- [email protected]  Thank you, Alan Grossman

                    • #623
                      Duane Ising

                        Hi, Alan,

                        This is an intriguing idea. Before purchasing a boat, we did several bareboat charters in the Caribbean. Now that we have a boat, we prefer to spend our available cruising funds using her rather than chartering. Hopefully, though, there will be others who share your interest.

                        Duane Ising

                    • #614
                      Frank Leyshon

                        Cruise to Venice YC
                        Thursday, June 20 – Sunday, June 23

                        Please register one person per boat on the IYC Website
                        10 Slips Available

                        Join us for a 3-Night Cruise to Venice YC!

                        Enjoy the Tiki Bar and Pool during the day, walk to nearby Beaches and Restaurants or walk/uber into town to enjoy the famers market, restaurants, shopping, ice cream and bars downtown Venice has to offer. More information to follow…

                        **Boats 55ft plus will be limited**

                        Questions? Contact Greg Hurst
                        [email protected] / 773-726-9226


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                        • #624
                          Frank Leyshon

                            Subject: Venice IYC Cruise

                            I want to thank Greg Hurst and Jen for running the cruise to Venice. They did a great job and Venice Yacht Club was a great location to go.

                            Frank Leyshon

                        • #609
                          Joe Wienecke

                            2024 Bahamas Trip Numbers
                            For those who like numbers

                            Trip duration 85 days 5 hours
                            Total NM traveled 1,277
                            Day in Marina/wall/boat-yard 27
                            Day at anchor 58
                            Total time underway 234 hours 56 minutes
                            Top speed 15.2 knots — conditions wind 30ish, waves aft of the stb beam 12 footers
                            Longest NM day 86.33. Shortest NM day 3.99
                            Longest time underway 14 hours-Shortest time underway 1hr

                            What did we break?
                            Generator relay $16
                            GPS AIS data sender $120
                            Port engine head, head gasket, valves, injectors, heat exchanger, mixing elbow, bits and bobs $$$$$$$

                            Admiral & Vice Admiral did 61 days (wow)- they have now cross the GS 8 times, the Bahamas banks 5 times and the crossing from Spanish Wells and the Abacos 2 times.

                            Favorite island — hard to say but Long Island and Egg Island stands out.

                            Weather — well this was a challenging year— fronts with gust to 35 (light gale) 7. We had 5 in the Bahamas and 2 back in the US. We had one that caught us in Norman Cay anchor with a lee shore (the beach) 315 yards away it topped out at 38knots. All the other we found hidding places or marina.

                            That sums it up. Cheers

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                            • #611
                              Frank Leyshon

                                Thanks Joe!

                                Sounds like an exciting trip.


                            • #608
                              Frank Leyshon

                                Any information about how the trip went would be worth posting.

                              • #607
                                Joe Wienecke

                                  Truly Amazing has returned from the Jump on Jump off Cruise to the Bahamas as of May 22nd

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